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Hemlock Hills Phase 2-Cont. Hearing-Jan 11, 2006
Minutes of the Hemlock Hills Estates - Phase 2
Continued Public Hearing of
January 11, 2006

I.     CALL TO ORDER – Chairman Philip Lindquist opened the continued public                                       hearing at 7:30 p.m.

        Members Present:        Philip Lindquist, Chairman
                                Gerard LeBlanc, Vice Chairman
                                David Nagle, Clerk
                                Joan DiLillo, Member
                                Gordon Coyle, Member

        Others Present: Town Planner Noreen O’Toole
                                Administrative Assistant Barbara Ferguson

        Town Planner Noreen O’Toole told the Board that she had spoken with Peter Palmieri at Merrill Associates, Inc. of Hanover, the Board’s review engineer on the subdivision, and he is satisfied that all of his concerns have been addressed.

        Chairman Lindquist noted that letters or memorandums had been received from William Self of Curley  & Hanson of Avon, surveyor for the developer, Southeastern Development Corp. of Hingham, Water Superintendent Glen Doherty, and the Conservation Commission.  

        Mr. Self requested a waiver for the minimum depth of cover over proposed drain lines located on Azalea Way between stations -4+50.00 and -5+50.00.  A minimum of 3’-6” is required, Mr. Self said, and 2’-9” is requested with the use of class 5 RCP piping. Mr. Self noted that the waiver was the same one voted at the October 19, 2005 hearing session.  He said that he was just putting the request in writing. Gerard LeBlanc he would like to see stone placed around the drain lines at a depth of 6 to 12 inches, and Ms. O’Toole said that she would include the stone in the Certificate of Action.

        The January 9, 2006 memo from Mr. Doherty noted that the water lines have been placed away from the center of the island at the cul-de-sac which meets with the department’s approval.  He indicated that the Water Department has not received an application or tie in fees for water service to the project.  The January 10, 2006 memorandum from the Conservation Commission indicated the Commission had no comments on the project.

        Mr. Curley said that developer Robert Brady had spoken with his attorney who suggested that responsibility for maintenance of the island be written into the deed for the owner of the last lot in the subdivision.  David Nagle stated a preference for the responsibility being assumed by a homeowner’s association because there would be no recourse if the lot owner was not responsible with his upkeep.  Mr. Brady said that the island could be landscaped with materials that are easy to maintain.

        Ms. O’Toole noted that the developer is working with the Highway Department to try to resolve a drainage problem on Cross Street which is a separate issue from any decision by the Board on Phase 2.   Mr. Self said that an elevation study has been done which has been forwarded to the Highway Department with a couple of options that are currently under review.

        Motion to approve Phase 2 of the Hemlock Hills subdivision with the waivers that are    in the files and close the public hearing: Joan DiLillo
        Second: David Nagle
        Vote: 5-0